The contrasting landscapes and fascinating cultural heritage leads you to discover a different world that is truly genuine.
The name for the road Sagavägen came originally from the multitude of myths and legends that make up cultural heritage of the Helgeland coastal region. But closer study revealed a wealth of tales and folklore along the whole road providing a unique combination of stories and traditions from Lapland, Norway and Sweden. The road really is like a good story: no matter at which point you begin, the start raises your expectations and it holds your interest throughout before finishing dramatically.
The road passes through a landscape that offers plenty of adventure and links the World Heritage Sites of Vega in Norway with Höga Kusten in Sweden. It is a unique and unforgettable journey for the whole family. No matter if you chose Sweden or Norway as your starting point, the Sagavägen Road takes you through majestic scenery, idyllic villages and a rich, vibrant cultural heritage.
Make your journey along the Sagvägen Road your own saga, with you in the lead role and the adventurous landscape as the backdrop. You can guarantee it will be a saga where anything can happen and something new is always waiting just around the next corner…